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AOL Mail Norrin

This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!

Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.

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953 results found

  1. More steps to do the same thing is NOT an improvement.

    Having things on the bottom and the top is NOT convenient. Having to search instead of scrolling to find the folder to put your emails in is NOT faster or user friendly. Having the send button on the bottom stinks. I liked everything across the top, easy to see and use. This format is atrocious.

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  2. I am fed up with the news stories being shared by AOL having an obvious political bias. I am quite capable of making my own political decis

    Don't push your political values on me. just report without bias. I am very capable of making those decisions for myself. If prefer to keep to your path please let me know so, I may cancel my 25 year plus subscrition.

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  3. message layout

    put attachments on top of message

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  4. 37th ranked

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  5. I hate the new email format and want the classic back!

    I hate the new e-mail format, and want the classic back

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  6. Go back to classic format.

    Go back to the old, classic email.The old format was much more user friendly. There is no advantage to the new format.

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  7. Wise saying

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Words to live by...

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  8. Need to access hyperlinks for zoom classes.

    If you don't make this so called "new, improved" aol mail so that we can click on hyperlinks to access Zoom, we will all be dropping aol. Right now if I want to access a zoom class I HAVE PAID FOR, I have to forward it to a gmail account. I might as well just change my email address to gmail and drop AOL altogether. We have been asking for this ever since you made the change and it falls on deaf ears.

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  9. 43rd ranked

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    Will you please give us the option of returning to the classic format. This ridiculous new version is now taking me anything up to four times as long to send a work-related e-mail, and as I work in the funeral industry this is not time I can afford to waste.

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  11. The new font in AOL Mail is very difficult to read.

    I went to my AOL mailbox today on a web browser and found that AOL has changed the font for the entire mailbox display to something that is very light, wispy and with serif. It is very hard to read. Yes, I could make it bigger, but the design of this font has poor legibility. It looks like something printed with insufficient ink. Please bring back the old font.

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  12. Font size, color and type settings please!

    We used to be able to SET or font size, color and type in settings. Right now I can only set size and type BUT it keeps defaulting to TINY when I set it in settings to MEDIUM. Please address this as I cannot read that TINY size well.

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  13. Hate new format

    I hate your forcing me to use your new format. I can't do anything with it. It is terrible and I want the old format back - you make it impossible to do what I enjoy doing with emails. Can't save when I forward. Can't past without going to all kinds of corrections. You make it a terrible experience for me.

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  14. why isn't there any Fourth of July or Flag artwork on aol when you compose a letter

    why isn't there any Fourth of July or Flag artwork anymore on aol when you compose a letter

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  15. Allow email addresses to be viewed in the inbox

    As any idiot, except AOL Mail, knows, the name of an email address can be spoofed. GIVE US THE ABILITY TO VIEW THE EMAIL ADDRESS. If some people want to see the spoofed name, let them keep the spoofed name. AT LEAST allow us the option to turn on the email address in the inbox listing.

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  16. Go back to what works

    Replying to an email puts your reply at the bottom instead of on top like its the next in the string. Email list should not have the long gaps between each email. To many problems to list. Original layout worked why would you not improve what you have? Take a lesson from the porsche 911. New version blows.

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  17. Please reinstall/reinstate contacts category and the ability to insert JPG photos into e-mail.

    Please reinstall/reinstate contacts category and the ability to insert JPG photos into e-mail.

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  18. App specific password generator doesn't work

    Repair App Specific Password generator. Without it we can't use 3rd party email clients like Thunderbird.

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  19. Get rid of the new format

    I hATE the new format.....HATE HATE HATE!!!!!!! give me back the classic emails!!!!!

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  20. add logo to signature


    Thank you!!!
    Flustered Business Owner...

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